What Is Asphalt Shingle Curling and Why Does It Occur?

In the United States, asphalt shingle roofs are by far the most used roofing material. In fact, it is estimated that over 70 percent of American homes are protected by an asphalt shingle roof and it’s easy to see why. Not only is asphalt inexpensive compared to other roofing materials, it is also very durable. But for all their great qualities, asphalt shingles do have their share of issues. And one of them is curling. In today’s post, we explain why asphalt shingles curl and provide a few useful tips to prevent it from happening.


Your Roofing Estimate Should Include These Details

Summer is an excellent time to undertake a roofing project because of the warm weather and good conditions. However, you need to do a few things before you look for a roofing company. First, you need to research the company you’re considering hiring and verify their qualifications. Second, you need to interview the roofing contractor about their work experience. Third, you need to make sure their roofing estimate contains all the information that you need.

The Best Siding Options for Homeowners

The right siding option can give your home superior protection from the effects of nature. It can enhance your home’s appearance and architectural character as well as its overall value. Apart from the roof, no other building material plays such a key role in your home as your siding does.