Is a Sagging Roof Always Caused by Roof Damage?

A sagging roof has a curved appearance instead of an even one. Typically, this problem occurs in old or faulty roofs that have been neglected for a long time. However, roof-related damage is not always the culprit behind roof sagging. Sometimes, it is due to problems with the home’s foundation. 


The 2 Most Common Causes of Roof Replacement Delays

Given that roof replacement takes a considerable amount of time and money, you’ll want to make sure it runs in a smooth and timely manner. Delays, however, are not uncommon in these types of projects. If you want to get around them and keep your project on track, you’ll need to understand what causes them in the first place. A trusted roofing contractor in the area, Thompson Roofing and Construction, discusses some of the common reasons for roof replacement delays.


3 Things Your Roofing Emergency Action Plan Should Include

Roofs are made to be durable and long-lasting. However, they are not impervious to damage and will face issues at times during their service life. If you’re not prepared to deal with these problems when they appear, you are at risk of spending a lot of money on repairing roof damage. This is why having a roofing emergency action plan is important.


Should You Replace Your Gutters When You Replace Your Roof?

Your roof will need to be replaced once it reaches the end of its serviceable life. After years of constantly being exposed to the elements, a roof will eventually succumb to wear and tear. Although it’s not required, gutters can also be replaced during roof replacement.


Attic Insulation and How It Benefits Your Roof

The health of your roof not only relies on the quality of shingles but also on the condition of your attic insulation. Excessive heat in your attic can escape through gaps and cracks and end up at your roof’s peak. Once it reaches your roof deck, it can lead to excess moisture and pressure. Effective insulation in your attic can combat this issue by providing an effective resistance to the flow of heat to other areas.


Tips on Choosing the Ideal Color for Your Asphalt Shingles

Your roof plays a significant role in your home’s curb appeal and resale value. If you’re having it replaced soon, one of the things you need to think about is its new color. Choosing a brand new color for your asphalt shingles is an immense undertaking, especially as you will have to live with it for many years. 


Preparing the Right Roofing Emergency Action Plan

Seeing as roofs are subject to the weather, impact from debris and other damaging factors, emergency repairs are unavoidable. Building owners with carefully devised plans can handle any sudden issues quickly and efficiently. Without a proper strategy, the safety of the property, as well as the people in it, could be compromised. 
