Factors That Affect Your Roof’s Service Life

Different things can affect how well your roofing system works or how long it stays intact. From the material to your property’s location, these conditions might either shorten or extend its life span.

Starting With the Basics: What to Know About Your Roof

Security from harsh weather and aesthetic appeal for your home – these are the two main functions of the roof. Still, it’s common for many homeowners to conduct projects to make their roofing systems better and provide their homes with more reliable protection.

4 Benefits of Preventive Roof Maintenance

Preventive maintenance is paramount for protecting your roof. Scheduling routine professional inspections is key to delaying the aging process of your roofing system. For Thompson Roofing and Construction, here are some of its practical benefits:

4 Qualities to Look for in a Roofer

Roof repair and replacement procedures can be costly, so it’s vital to choose the best roofer for your specific needs. For a successful roofing project, find a reliable roofing contractor that’s dependable and whose prices you can afford. Doing so will be worth the time and effort.

Roof Maintenance Checklist for the First Quarter of the Year

While your roof is the toughest component of your home, it will wear down over time due to constant exposure to the elements. This is why it needs routine maintenance to maximize its potential and avoid premature failure.

Metal Roofing: The Ideal Roofing System

Metal roofing is one of the most popular roofing options among homeowners and roofers alike. As Alabama’s premier roofing contractor, we highly recommend metal for the following reasons: (more…)

Why Roofing Is Not a DIY Project

Working on your home can give you a sense of pride and fulfillment, and even save you some money. However, we strongly suggest that homeowners leave roofing jobs to professionals like us. You need to work with a professional roofing contractor for your roofing projects because it is safer and more efficient, and leads to better results. Thompson Roofing and Construction explains more here: (more…)

How Our Roofing and Siding Services Can Boost Curb Appeal

The right home improvement projects can greatly improve your home’s curb appeal and turn it into the envy of the neighborhood. Thompson Roofing and Construction is the top new construction and home improvement company in our area, and our services can transform your home’s appearance. Here’s how our roof replacement and siding replacement projects can benefit you: (more…)

4 Important Reasons to Schedule Roofing Projects This Fall

Fall is the right time to replace an old, damaged, or outdated roof because of the excellent weather and because it helps prepare your home for the colder temperatures ahead. Thompson Roofing and Construction, the leading roofing contractor in our local area, talks about four reasons fall is the perfect season to start your roofing project: (more…)

3 Simple Tips to Help You Choose the Best Siding Material

Thompson Roofing and Construction is the top choice for new construction and home improvement projects in our local area because we emphasize quality and client satisfaction above all else. We’ve built our solid reputation on impeccable workmanship and honest and dependable work services. Today, we will provide you tips to help you choose the best siding material for your exterior. Learn more here:
